Want the secret to get uNLIMITED sales & appointments over the phone?

new course Reveals 62 untold 'industry secrets' to 3X sales appointments

...and Overcome Any Objection over the phone

Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)

Here’s Everything You Get

When You Say “Yes” and Change Your Life Today!


Grab The Entire

“Master Phone Training Course”

…And Begin Selling With The Perfect Blueprint to Dominate The Phone's Today!


The ‘Master Phone Training’ Course

The Master Phone Training Course Will Teach You:

  • Set An Appointment On EVERY Single Call

  • Overcome Any Objection You Get On ThePhone Regardless Of What It Is

  • Become a master communicator

  • Learn Pattern Interrupts That Will GainControl Of Every Customer

  • Learn The Top 5 Cold Call Scripts That Work Every Single Time To Set New Appointments

  • Be 10 Steps Ahead Of Your Customer At All Times

  • ​And much, much more...

If You Want To Sell


over the phone Without Feeling “Sales-y” Or “Pitch-y”...

...Then You’ll Want To STEAL

My ‘Master Phone Training Blueprint’!

And at a fraction of the normal price...

This Step-By-Step “Profit-Generating” Training works... Even if you HATE SALES... Never sold a thing in your life...

...And even if you consider yourself an extreme introvert like me!

On this page, I'll show you hot to sell anything over the phone...

  • Set An Appointment On EVERY Single Call

  • Overcome Any Objection You Get On The Phone

  • Learn Pattern Interrupts That Will GainControl Of Every Customer

  • Top 5 Cold Call Scripts That Work Every Single Time

Hey it’s Andy again and I’ll make this

Super quick...

Clearly you’re on your way to building and dominating in sales... (SO EXCITED!!)

The next step is to understand how to scale fast now that you are making 8k a month...

Makes sense, right?

But where do you start?

What words do you say?

What offer should you sell them...?

Listen, there are so many options to sell, it can feel daunting... I get it.

And that’s why I’m here to help so you don’t feel lost or nervous with the most important part of your sales process…

To Get People To Say “Yes”

And Buy From YOU!


Oh boy.

That’s young Andy “selling”.

All sweaty...

Nervous as can be...

Not sure what the heck I’m doing (or saying)...

I even think part of my body went numb at one point... who knows... it was all a blur and I’ve tried my hardest to push it out of my memory.

“Cringe” to say the least…

So How Did I Go From That Sweaty Mess In The Dealership…

To Eventually Breaking The Record For Most Money Made In 1 Year By A Car Salesman

And Generate 716K Dollars Selling In 1 Year

The Secret? It’s Called....

The “Master Phone Training


It was the “key” to transforming a bored, guarded car shoppers looking at me with hate...To a customer sitting on the edge of their seat...

Listening to every word that came out of my mouth... and getting their hands ready to sign the papers to buy!

But what was so great about this Phone Training, is that it was universal for ANYONE selling...

That means even if you NEVER plan on selling cars...

You can still apply the same framework and teachings from this course to ANY INDUSTRY and in ANY niche, and have it work like gangbusters...

Imagine what you can provide...

Imagine people pulling out their wallets with a huge smile on their face... ready to give you money!

By now, I’m sure this is all making a lot of sense to you...

Maybe you’re probably thinking to yourself...

“I have a passion... maybe I can do this, too...”

And You’re Right!

You absolutely CAN do this, and you’ll honestly be shocked by how easy it is... (and how much fun you’ll have)!

That’s why on this page right now...

I’m going to give you my “Master Phone Training” course that provides the proven strategies to help you LITERALLY sell anything and scale fast!

Plus, when it helps you sell one extra deal you've already made your investment back (just remember... the key to wealth is through self education)

However, before you get all antsy and jump down and add the “Master Phone Training”...

I wanted to do something EVEN better for you today…

I’m going to give you all the tools and frameworks to help you sell MORE cars than anyone on the lot…

What if I showed you step-by-step

How To Build YOUR Perfect

Sales Scripts....

From Scratch?!

I’m talking about being able to look over my shoulder as I take you from the first step... to making 400k!

Where all you have to do is “flip the switch” and start selling almost immediately!

Because if you’re like me, then you probably get the most value out of one-on-one training where you’re able to VISUALLY see how to go from step 1 to step 2 and so on...

That’s why I want to give you my ENTIRE...

Master Phone

Training Course

This is the “Holy Grail” of seeing how I sold over the phone for 25 years..

Not JUST theoretical training...

I’m talking about EVERYTHING LIVE... in a dealership.. to basically every step of the process that I used to break the record for most money made by a car salesman...

I’m basically giving you my “secret ingredient” to selling over the phone... (how crazy is that??!)

In my Master Phone Training Course, I’ll take you step-by-step, slide-by-slide, and walk you through
how to master the phone and sell 10/10 EVERYTIME!

So while my Master Phone Training Course is the best tool to help you start selling more of your products or services...

My Master Phone Training Course is like giving you the tool, and then showing you THE BEST WAY to
USE that tool for your calls!

Here’s a sneak peek

at what you’ll be getting when you say “YES” and add

my Master Phone Training Course to your order today:

How to take control

  • make a best friend in 30 seconds

  • ask the right questions

  • new language & words

  • how not to over speak

Sales Process

  • eliminate rejection

  • should you put your customer on hold?

  • create the "Gap"

  • pattern interrups

  • make it easy to say yes to

overcome every objection

  • Stalls and Smoke Screens vs. REAL Objections and Problems

  • cut objections in half by building a great relationship

  • exact word tracks for the all objections


  • exact process to contact new leads

  • "old" lead script that turn cold buyers in to in hot in market buyers

  • when to send videos to leads

  • exact call/text/Email scripts


“So, What’s My Investment?”

I’m giving you my Master Phone Training Course for one small payment of just $897.

That price is such a no-brainer I don’t need to do any sort of “snazzy selling.”

I figure I’ll just come out and say it.

For EVERYTHING you’re getting today...

I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t make back your investment (and more) within a few short weeks’ time... probably even sooner.

Important reminder: this no-brainer offer is NOT

available anywhere outside of this page.

So if you’re here and you want to sell your products or services without “figuring it out” on your own...

Then I want you to secure this one-time, limited offer on my Master Phone Training Course right now and before it’s too late!


Grab The Entire

“Master Phone Training Course”

…And Begin Selling With The Perfect Blueprint to Dominate The Phone's Today!


The ‘Master Phone Training’ Course

The Master Phone Training Course Will Teach You

  • Set An Appointment On EVERY Single Call

  • Overcome Any Objection You Get On ThePhone Regardless Of What It Is

  • Become a master communicator

  • Learn Pattern Interrupts That Will GainControl Of Every Customer

  • Learn The Top 5 Cold Call Scripts That Work Every Single Time To Set New Appointments

  • Be 10 Steps Ahead Of Your Customer At All Times

  • ​And much, much more...

(800) 414-2504

11010 N Saguaro Blvd Suite 100

Fountain Hills, AZ 85268